Monday 29 April 2013

"Joy" - Legend of Zelda Wind Waker

I first played this on the Nintendo Gamecube as a 9/11 year old and was a huge fan of the series. In fact   I'm still a great fan of Link and Zelda. This game is very long due to the fact of the area 'Great sea' but gives the gamer the chance to have fun exploring the 'world'. The story is different and exciting though  the were some areas which felt reminiscent of the Ocarina of Time. The game also took on a cell shaded approach which was a two edged sword which was a nice change, but they over did the 'cartoon' effect look which fans didn't like.

I personally still absolutely love the art in this game and it's style, but they could have added a bit more detail and used slightly less bold colours; However this simplicity gave it a fun/happy aura compared to the last games which were the Ocarina of Time(OoT) and Majora's Mask(MM) which are really good games but are quite dark really and have different moods indicated by the more subtle use of colour. These the last games, because of their realism and their portraying of dark-ish stories lack the fun of Wind Waker. Sadly Wind Waker was not a huge success because of contrast between OoT and the dark story of MM.  Lots of fans disliked it's "child like" simplicity, possibly it was targeted wrongly and should have been targeted at younger children. I enjoyed it but felt the "Great Sea" area was a bit too big which made that part of the adventure somewhat boring.

I'm planning for my work for using Windfall Island from Wind Waker as a reference because my theme - 'Joy' is a tricky one. I must get the mood perfect to create the emotion, both in my use of colour and of atmosphere. When playing this game i remember that the sensation created by being on the island was one of real fun and it felt a joyful place, which fits my scene.
Windfall island - The setting for this level is a peaceful thriving market town which lies on a island surrounded by the "Great sea". The most notable feature within the town is the ferris wheel which is also a lighthouse there are many shops including a potions shop and a bomb shop. There is also a school, a cafe, a jail house, and an auction house on the island.
I remember all the mini games on this island, one was to play 'hide and seek' with 5 children as a challenge, and bidding at the auction house was fun, along with the 'battleships' game and all the wacky characters included in the game. Consequently, I believe this is a good place to get inspiration for my level.
Anton a NPC (Non playable character) say's "Our windfall Island may be a cozy, sort of speak, but people from all over the world come here. The town's always lively."  This is a useful quote which concisely sums up what i want in my level.

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