Monday 29 April 2013

Creating Barrels and Crates

Over the holidays we had to make Barrels and Crates which are seen in almost every game.

We had to make a crate and barrel in medieval, industrial or sci-fi style.
I chose Medieval and Industrial.
For Medieval I looked at these,


Dragon Age

Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning

And here are the ones I made.

Next was the Industrial.

 Sadly the creator of this is unknown but it is definitely from a game engine. The subtle patterning on the barrel creates a real feeling of rust and the soft muted colours give a real sense of age.

Fallout 3
This box is much sharper, and the colours though softer, are brighter creating a newer metallic look, but still with the touches of rust.

My versions.

As you can see I haven't got my colours soft enough here to create the realistic look I'm looking for. To do this I will use a filter in Photoshop.

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