Tuesday 30 October 2012

Character sheet

Name: Sir James Thompson
Physical Description
Tall, handsome, young, has a robotic arm, which is gold plated, Victorian clothing, carries and a cane sword.

Character Traits
Acts like a Gentleman, and has wise words at times, and a womaniser

Character Sheet anti-hero
Character Background

Family Background
Habits / Vices
He was brought up in the noble district of  Damocles and his father was the head of Thompson Industries until he died and now James runs the business.
His mother is the governess.
During a summer trip when he was 3yrs old he was taken hostage and his arm was cut clean off in the factory where he was being held.

Loyal and prefers justice and the law until it effects him.
Has to hit on every women he meets.
Goldsmith private school.

Pretentious, condescending, huge ego.
Destroying stuff for fun and women.

Not being in civilisation, and being ignored.

What is their Goal?
Their plan to achieve Goal
To guide and help the young hero as a mentor.
To get the women.

Chat up lines and money because money does buy happiness according to him.

During our module we have to look at Concept Artists and say why we choose them.
    I thought a good place to start would be with Video Game Art. Assassin's Creed came to mind with the design for Ezio (main character/ protagonist) for the recent games.
   This Concept artwork was done by Jeff Simpson. Why do I like this piece of work? Firstly the Medieval look and style I like because it's a era which fascinates me. Secondly from the idea on the right, to the final design on the left so much has changed. However I do like the orange on the right and would have kept it because it adds a warmer colour to the design and is not so plain/dull. Finally, the detail on the final design (left) is awesome especially the fur on the shoulder.

This is Art from X-COM:unknown enemy which is a recent game it's art was done by Piero Macgowan and I like it because of the factories and buildings, for a set of the world my character will live in.

My Character is set in the Steampunk era which I think will be interesting so i finding these artists it has helped helped to inspire my character.

Well as you can see this is my moon board for ideas. Jerad Marantz did the concept art for the film Sucker Punch, by Zack Snyder, these characters really inspired me because they look awesome because of the whole Steampunk style and this is what I'm kind of looking for. However they are too mechanical for my character. Next is Tom Zhao and I like his character because he looks like an engineer and from the looks of him is half human and half robot/ mechanical which I think I will incorporate in my character. Finally Remko Troost, all I can say is that's so cool in my eyes and the level of detail is good. I wish I could photoshop like that but it will take a very long time!
The rest of the pictures are resource images, left Victorian clothing and then from Firefly Path a very interesting costume.
So from all these ideas this is my (headless) character created by photo montaging to get a rough idea of what he will look like before drawing him out.

Happy for comments to be left for ideas and improvements.

Friday 12 October 2012

Starting blog about me

Hi, I'm Ash and I'm on the course of Digital Film, Games, and Animation at Leeds college of Art.
This is my first time ever blogging but hopefully it will go well, anyway I'm very interested in to the games and animation part of this course and lately we have recently designed characters and areas/rooms and this is what I did,

  Outline design

added colour

I then added colour to this character and did a photo montage of San Francisco with a darkened sky for the final montage of the character and background.

Need a lot of work on photoshop because in my opinion the character's shadows and lighting areas look too unrealistic and you can see the white areas where I've been careless and not cut out correctly;
however for a first attempt of using photoshop like this I don't think it was a bad attempt but there is still a lot of improvement to be made which will be fun.

Please comment and give advise on all my work because it does help.
Thanks Ash.