Tuesday 30 October 2012

Character sheet

Name: Sir James Thompson
Physical Description
Tall, handsome, young, has a robotic arm, which is gold plated, Victorian clothing, carries and a cane sword.

Character Traits
Acts like a Gentleman, and has wise words at times, and a womaniser

Character Sheet anti-hero
Character Background

Family Background
Habits / Vices
He was brought up in the noble district of  Damocles and his father was the head of Thompson Industries until he died and now James runs the business.
His mother is the governess.
During a summer trip when he was 3yrs old he was taken hostage and his arm was cut clean off in the factory where he was being held.

Loyal and prefers justice and the law until it effects him.
Has to hit on every women he meets.
Goldsmith private school.

Pretentious, condescending, huge ego.
Destroying stuff for fun and women.

Not being in civilisation, and being ignored.

What is their Goal?
Their plan to achieve Goal
To guide and help the young hero as a mentor.
To get the women.

Chat up lines and money because money does buy happiness according to him.

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