Friday 12 October 2012

Starting blog about me

Hi, I'm Ash and I'm on the course of Digital Film, Games, and Animation at Leeds college of Art.
This is my first time ever blogging but hopefully it will go well, anyway I'm very interested in to the games and animation part of this course and lately we have recently designed characters and areas/rooms and this is what I did,

  Outline design

added colour

I then added colour to this character and did a photo montage of San Francisco with a darkened sky for the final montage of the character and background.

Need a lot of work on photoshop because in my opinion the character's shadows and lighting areas look too unrealistic and you can see the white areas where I've been careless and not cut out correctly;
however for a first attempt of using photoshop like this I don't think it was a bad attempt but there is still a lot of improvement to be made which will be fun.

Please comment and give advise on all my work because it does help.
Thanks Ash.

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