Saturday 3 November 2012


For this Brief I couldn't decide what type of environment would be best for my Character. Recently I watched the film 'The Golden Compass' and from the design of the city, it gave me inspiration for a city design.

I really like this picture, the composition is well done and focuses your eyes into the distance where the sun is setting, also the style of these building are very futuristic which I like and slightly remind me of steam punk era, which will be useful because my character is set in the steam punk age! However I wish for my character to be in a room, so I will have him looking out of this view.

Using the Back position of my character from my second brief I can get a idea of what my final picture will look like with a few tweaks.

Here is my version 1 of the final design.

I'm recreating the city background by using a graphic's tablet to help easily draw the city and block in the colour quickly. The shadow/silhouette character is my character (brief 2) and the reason why i have placed him to the left is to create more atmosphere with him next to the building arching to make your eye see him then slowly look to the sky/distance.

Along with the room I have made a floor plan and a elevation of this room he is in.

FInal Design of the room/environment.

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