Thursday 6 December 2012

Instruct Video Ideas

For my new unit OUDF 404 Digital film, we have to create a 1 minute video instructing (how to..)

I had a look at last years video's to give me some ideas of where I should start. Most of the videos where very silly and were related to ether hobbies or basic every day things e.g. making a cup of tea.
From this I got the idea of using my Diabolo.
Most of the tricks I have learnt are from Youtube and off that idea, looked back at a Youtuber called bboyDiabolo who shows many how to videos on his channel. From this I picked out the key points in the video and of the trick called the "Whip Catch"and off to plan a Story board.

So this is the video where i first learnt the trick. Looking back at this I think its a good idea to show the trick first then follow up with how to do the trick.

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