Sunday 9 December 2012

Lecture - Modernity & Modernism

Well straight way Modern is a neutral term and is represented by improvement and novelty;  Compared to Modernity which is social and cultural experiences.
So examples of these effects:
Modernism, it is anti-history which means they never look back at old designs, therefore always improving the past design. Truth to the Materials, is using simple geometric forms, appropriate to the materials being used.  Internationalism, the language of design so that it could be recognised and understood.
So below we have two images of chairs

The left image is Modern and the right is normal/basic, the main difference is the curved metal frame in the left image. This is showing the the examples of Modernism.

Modernity, the city with Industrialisation and Urbanisation.
It is mainly Affected by fashion and that I can be a step back or not always good, however it does develop quickly especially in the 1990's with Cars, Rail, and Time. During the 18C there was the 'Enlightenment Project' which was mainly scientific and philosophical and made leaps and bounds. example of this is when Paris went from having many streets and buildings to massive Boulevards, and Photography. This changed the way people think and feel, but also affected work/leisure because of photography, paintings started to change dramatically because people thought why paint when a photo is just as good, therefore experimentation.

So in the end because of these two we have developed very quickly into the present.

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