Tuesday 11 December 2012

looking at other instruct videos and improvements?

After finishing my video I've decide to look back at other instruct videos and comparing them to mine and seeing where i could improve.

Looking at this video he explains how to do the trick really well and that would be a improvement to my video because its text and not talking, therefore the text takes your eye away from the footage of whats happening but the talking is good because it acts as visual communication to the audience.

This looks like a student film so to me its interesting to see what other people have done, but the way he sets up this tension with out music is interesting because you think its going to be some trick or the cap is already loose/off then placed back on, however its good because he blows it off and therefore open. I enjoyed this film because it had very little text explaining anything and there was no background noise just the sound of him blowing at the bottle and at the end it was funny and the bottle was open on the floor just as the title said. Comparing it to mine they are very different because this one didn't need much explaining, but mine needed to because it was tricky, also the fact there was only two types of camera shot in this one but mine had variations not just a close up cutting to a wide medium shot.

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