Monday 10 December 2012

Portal films PPP1

I've played both Portal 1&2 they are really good games especially the second one. So when I found this  I found it interesting straight away.

So what do I like about, firstly the SGI/effects of the film. Secondly the feeling of being trapped with the four walls but also the CCTV effect and the music is really awesome and creates the atmosphere really well and I will learn from this to re-create the effect. Finally the ending is cool, and I would like to try something like that in a short film.

This then lead me on to trying to find behind the scenes but unsuccessful, however did find this
Which I thought was really cool because I can see where they did the effects and how they did it kind of... I think it useful to see where they placed the green screen but at the same time it's useful to what they did in order to create this, but I would to try to make something like this or similar.

Original film.

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