Sunday 19 May 2013

Absorb - Copyright ©

Copyright one major big things in most companies. Copyright is there to help most people not have their work stolen, but leads to the problem of I created XYZ on this date and the other person who has XYZ has it at a earlier date which leads to who is right?
My game level and concept art I think should have a copy right symbol and something in my work, which will be repeated to show which one is mine and the proof behind as well!

A problem which occured with Gearbox and Olly Moss a British artist when he discovered a picture inside Bordrlands 2 which looked very similar to his own work, which it does however I thought that Gearbox handled this very well because Olly didn't mind much because he was a fan but lead director Randy Pitchford wanted to fix this and therefore offered him a job at gearbox the lucky boy! This however is only a nice version of the problems of copyright. Olly Moss is on the left and Borderlands 2 is on the right.

This one was about Apple sayong that the Samsung Galaxy tablet copied it's design. I thoughts on this "all tablets look pretty much the same".
It was interesting reading this story because firstly the Judge ruled that the Galaxy was not as "cool" as the iPad and gave a different impression, therefore didn't infringe copyright.
Therefore Apple did lose this Copyright appeal because the tablets were different in thickness and design on the back and the screen could not be judge because all tablets have that! The user face was different because the ipad is more user friendly but not as professional as the Samsung.
I believe this is trivial matter because Apple made £5.6 bn in the third quarter of the year 2012 so I don't know why they are complaining so much, however this is what can happen if copyright gets out of hand!

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