Sunday 19 May 2013

Assassin's Creed 3

Assassin's Creed 3 a completely new game without Ezio who is about 50 year old now. When this game was first announced, my first reaction was "this looks awesome", AC3 (Assassin Creed 3) I think is set in a very interesting period, the American Revolution which I thought was good as it's a jump from the renaissance period which Assassins Creed brotherhood and Revelations (which I call 2.5 and 2.7) introduced bombs and the  unrealistic hidden gun (pistol attached to wrist) for some reason.

When I got Assassins Creed 3 and played it though before judging it.
The story, oh my goodness it was a enthralling, thematically rich story, and huge backstory thanks to the 'animus' (device which allows a person to "re-live" in their ancestors foot steps). I loved the tense and atmospheric sea battles something which is new and works so well! Along with the progression of homestead (place where you live in the game). Finally the attention to detail, historically and visually made this game come to life.
Sadly things which could of being better in this game was the hunting mechanics which where very relaxed and semi worked but there was room for improvement. The trees with certain branches which you free run off where all magically placed together, which yes works and is fun, but all lined up all nice and neat was sad because it only allowed in that area and the other trees don't work. Finally is the number of famous people you see in this game doing the thing they are famous for, E.G. Benjamin Franklin, flying a kite, but also for a random reason Connor(main character) is at the signing the declaration of independence which I found odd.

Multiplayer is fun and much better designed this time round with none of the abilities shadowing the other ones, but the uplay passport thing is annoying because I got this game second hand, normally you have a code to use which activates it but sadly I have to pay £10 just for the luxury of the "good" abilities and customisation which is absolutely silly in my opinion.

Overall this game is very good and fun to play with all the new mechanics, however it has lost the main thing about the Assassins Creed series which is getting a target and stabbing them, and not being almost god like with the counter-kill ability which has become so very over powered as the games go on sadly. , but they have learnt that people don't like the  armour in the previous games and has removed them, which is good.

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