Sunday 19 May 2013

Artist Eric Gagnon

Deus Ex human revolution, I have already done a review of the game which I love therefore I thought it would be best to see all the concept for Deus Ex and learn from it and design a game level from it over summer.

This is Adam's personal office and I love every thing about it. The lighting which sets a dark and stong mood. The futuristic tech on the table.  The cluster of lights makes a circle shape and focus your eye there first to show a powerful area then your eye get attracted to the light on the left which is more relaxed and personal. I really do like this a lot and wished I made a Level like this, therefore over summer make concept art similar to the cyber punk theme and design a level from that idea.
 These labs I remember playing though and this image transferring to game hasn't changed one bit and looks even more stunning as concept.

I really do likre this concept artist because he has designed this not to futuristic China city which in game is called Hengsha but I can imagine in 20 plus years that a city could look like this one which adds to the whole backstory and world building which I beleieve is important to anything!


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