Sunday 19 May 2013

Deus Ex Human Revolution

I couldn't wait for this game to come out on Xbox 360 because I had played the first on the original xbox.
It takes place in a not to far distant future and is similar to robo cop, blade runner, and judge dread ( all films). The protagonist Adam Jenson is swept into a conspiracy when he is badly hurt and then augmented. Deus Ex uses the base of the cyber punk fiction but with references to the italian renaissance.  Deus Ex is a role playing game with the ability to shoot. The way you level up is though praxis points which upgrades and unlocks different abilities, which all have up sides and disadvantages but the game allows different ways to complete a mission and rewards you for what ever path you may take, This is what I love about this game is because every time I play though it you find different paths and new things and having a limit on the number of praxis points means you can't unlock every thing so you have to choose wisely!
The thing I disliked was the boss fights because with all the choices in the level had all gone had you had to shoot them which means doing the 'wuss' non lethal way mean't you were completely outmatched so aways have a combat rifle or big gun for them sadly.
Overall the environment is stunning and the music goes so well. All abilities matter and change the way you play, e.g.falling to get to the next area there is a augment for that, but also this game doesn't hold your hand and you can do whatever therefore if you go into a boss fight with low ammo you are going to get punished which makes this game so good. This is a first person shooter, role playing game, stealth, and action all blended into one and a must get game.

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