Saturday 18 May 2013

Avengers Assemble

I went to see this film in the cinema when it first came out and I absolutely loved it, for the epic-ness and the cheesy moments which happened in the film. Bringing together all the heroes from previous films and linking them into this film, was pure genius on "Marvel's" part, also using the iconic heroes of Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawk-eye, and Black Widow was good because they are more well known in the Marvel universe. The story is about a unexpected enemy which emerges to threaten New York city (as usual) Nick Fury leader/Director of the organisation call S.H.E.I.LD. as to pull these heroes together to stop this crisis.

However after getting the DVD and watching it a second time I saw a few mistakes or flaws with the film which some I can't say due to spoilers but first one was the all Avenger's with out any type of communication devices could all talk to each other no problem. Second one was the Hulk who can for the sake of the plot can suddenly control his anger but for the sake of that shot with follows where he stops one of the "big" enemy dead was very cool. Finally the convenient part of the ending but was still good.

Overall this is a must watch for any fan of the Marvel universe and anyone wanting a good super hero film. Sadly I was hoping for Spider-Man to be in this but he is owned by "Sony" along with the "Fantastic 4" and "X-Men" so hopefully if they do another film some of these character will be in the next film.

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